Solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients

Solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients

Our team of experienced professionals is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to offer a comprehensive range of environmental and ecological services.


Assessing the abundance and diversity of species, communities, and ecosystems in an area, often to support ecological impact assessments and inform land management decisions.

Ecological restoration plans

Providing advice for the restoration of bush, riparian and wetlands, and effective management plans that target pest species.

Environmental advisory

Providing expertise and support to help organisations navigate relevant environmental regulations and standards, including the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPS-FM), National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NES-F), National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPS-IB) and Australia New Zealand Guidelines for Freshwater and Marine Water Quality (ANZG).

Environmental impact assessments

Evaluating potential effects of activities on the environment, guiding sustainable decisions and minimising negative outcomes.

Environmental monitoring

Monitoring environmental conditions (e.g., water quality and fauna community composition) to assess the impact of activities and ensure resource consent compliance.

Expert witness services

Providing an environmental expert to present expert testimony in legal proceedings, including mediation, arbitration, and court proceedings.


Assessing the ecological values and health of features such as wetlands, streams and vegetation, and their suitability for supporting native flora and fauna.

Hazardous substance management

Helping organisations manage the safe storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous substances, and comply with regulations such as the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations (2017).

Water management plans

Advising on appropriate management of industrial and commercial discharges (e.g., stormwater or wastewater) and water takes. Preparing management plans than detail structural and procedural controls, tailored to a specific site, that achieve effects on the environment.

Wetland assessments

Identifying and mapping putative wetlands following accepted wetland delineation protocols and evaluating these areas in light of the NPS-FM and NES-F. Assessing the ecological and hydrological functions of wetlands.